Thursday, November 13, 2008

And in other news

So I'm way far behind in my novel. And this week is not going to help me any in my word count. Except that the evil villain has finally made an appearance. And she has a fondness for repeating the true family name of the Klark family, next door neighbors to the main character's family. According to my villain, who is named Lefitray, the family is really the Klark barbarian rulers of the ancient order of barbarians family. "Which used to be one word, but no one could remember how to spell it so now it was spelled as several words"
So to copy bob, sorry for stealing your idea but I think it will help me get back on track with my novel
Best line today "While this was happy to Octavia, she felt a twinge of jealousy and anger towards her unborn sibling." why do the siblings keep multiplying?
Worst line today "Octavia had celebrated her eleventh birthday since the wedding and Michael had turned twenty one in the interim as well."


Sam, The Nanti-SARRMM said...

Why do they keep multiplying? I fear rabbits have something to do with it.

Any my verification word is popped?

Julie said...

They keep coming into my head and telling me that they are siblings to Octavia. Or they marry into the family. Mike has announced his engagement to Rachelinaclora finally. And I have a sneaky suspicion that the yet to be born sibling will be a multiple birth. Hopefully they allow me to make them girls.

Sam, The Nanti-SARRMM said...

Through adoption? Traverses into alternate universes? cloning?

I want to read yours if I can when it is done.