Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Irreparable Mistakes

So I made one today.  Yes I, Unit Of Energy (insert my real full name in place of unit of energy) have made the first irreparable mistake of my life that I can remember today.  Ok, so it's really not that bad, but that doesn't change the fact that I can't fix it.  As some of you may know, and others are just finding out, I'm assistant set designer on one of the productions this season.  And with this responsibility I need to put in hours helping to manufacture the set.  My job was simple enough.  Hem the curtain.  Measure the curtain to the right height and cut and hem.  And I measured and measured and drew a straight line and thought about measuring again and decided not to and cut.  And cut six inches more than I should have.  And I got so stressed out because once you cut there is no clean way to reattach.  And the stupid thing needs to be done by  tomorrow.  And I started crying and then felt stupid for crying which then made me cry even more and sheesh that made feel even more stupid etcetera etcetera etcetera.  I hate it when I get stuck in such a rut.  But oh well, I'm sure we'll find a way to make it work, even if it ends up being six inches shorter than the final plan, which was six inches taller that the original plan.

1 comment:

Sam, The Nanti-SARRMM said...

I'm sorry that happened. I hope it can be fixed.

I also thought that you were going to say that the irreparable mistake was waking up last night while I was there.... ;)