Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm not scandalous

I was informed today that I might scare a missionary.  Not a missionary in general, but a certain missionary whom I have never met.   Now just to clarify I apparently would scare this young man because of my dirtyness, crudeness, or just lack of innocence.  I would like you all to know that I'm perfectly innocent.  I blush at everything, and giggle out of nervousness.  And maybe I make a joke here or there.  But I'm not a dirty uncomfortable person.  I'm just very comfortable in my current surroundings.  Which may or may not be conducive to conversations that would lead someone to think that I would scare this particular missionary.  I promise that I know how to behave myself and am not be scandalous.  Just look at everything you knew about me before you visited my apartment.  I am still quite innocent, honest.   Mish and Silver still make me blush and giggle at awkward subjects.  Actually pretty much anyone can make me do that.  And there are subjects that I try to avoid.  Just because I have something to say on a subject doesn't mean I don't want to avoid it.

1 comment:

Sam, The Nanti-SARRMM said...

Bah, it is more your openness to discuss certain things. And I said you might.

As for what I knew about you before being introduced into your apartment society? Not much. Not much at all.