Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'm glad I didn't see.

So this blog is called You Should Have Seen.  This is because of a song that you can listen to a clip of to the right and if you want to here the whole song I have it. But anyway, this song was one of my favorites when I was in High School and had a major crush on Genius.  Genius was basically the only LDS kid I knew that was homeschooled other than my family and was the tied for smartest kid  in seminary.  The other person in that position was myself.  Yeah, I'll admit that I was super smart in high school.  I've lost it all now. But the title of this blog is still just as applicable today.  I think I'm falling in like with this kid from work.  I shall call him Curses here, because at work we use this kid's name instead of swearing.  And I'm mentally cursing myself for allowing myself to like any one else right now.  Or ever.  Although I do need to get over Mish and Falsetto.  But anyway Curse's has given me a ride home from work twice this week.  Ok, both times I actually had work this week.  But I kinda sorta liked him before.  But whatever, on to the title of this post.  So tonight, or last night or whatever night it was/is, I had two offers of rides home.  One from a girl I'm pretty good friends with at work and one from Curses.  Well, I accepted the ride from Curses, because a) I wanted to get a ride home with a guy and b) he lives in the complex across the street from mine and the girl lives on the other side of campus from me.  But I'm glad I did, because we ended up leaving about five minutes later that the girl left.  And I apparently missed my roommate's boyfriend of sorts by five minutes.  And I hear tell there was some slightly awkward things going on.  Not inappropriate, but things that I'm glad was not the first thing I saw upon walking into my apartment.  And while I'm happy for her I only have one thing to say.  How'd you get a date?  I think I made need some advice here.  Although not thinking about Mish and Falsetto all the time is probably a good first step.

1 comment:

Sam, The Nanti-SARRMM said...

Bah, Tickle Wars are not awkward. Well not for those who are immune to it I suppose.