Tuesday, December 2, 2008


So this is post 51.  I completely missed post 50, although I don't know why that should be such a milestone.  It's not like any special will happen to me, and I don't believe in give aways.  Unless you give to me.  I don't even have the money to make you cookies so deal with my unobserved 50th post.  And on to 51, In which I am very bored, sick of school and wondering how I managed to get so much out of Walter F. Gonzalez's talk that he gave in priesthood session October 2007.
But for post 51 I thought I would give you all a story.  This is a true story about a boy I once knew and I.  We were good friends in High School, you may know of him as Missionary Boy.  So Mish and I used to get into playful spats over silly things.  Nothing to violent, but then again I was a little scared of him.  Now Mish is the sweetest guy I have known, with the possible exception of Falsetto.  But Mish was -is- stronger than me and could easily overpower me, and most any one I know, if he really wanted to.  I'm just glad he's on my side if I really need it.  Any way, You may have noticed the picture I use on my blogger profile.  This is a representation of the only way I could possibly beat Mish in a fight.  They say the pen is mightier than the sword, so I'll let you have the pen in a duel.  And the lame computer drawing is of me and Mish in a duel where I have the sword and he has a pen.  Just so you know, he would probably still manage to disarm me and win, even if I had the sword.  Gosh I miss that kid. Anyway, that is why a blonde girl is holding a sword to a boy with no clear weapon but pen and paper.  And I'll have you know that that particular image took me about three hours to perfect.  Or maybe only one, I don't rightly recall.

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