Friday, February 27, 2009

To Mister Right aka Thomas

I know that you are out there somewhere.  And I'm looking.  I really am, I hope you don't think I've given up.  Because I'm too young to give up on you.  And I know that somewhere out there you are looking too.  Or at this exact moment you might not be looking for me, but you are preparing yourself for me.  And if you happen to be someone who follows my rantings on my blog I'm sorry if I come off as a brat.  I don't mean to be.  And I'm sorry if it seems like I'm head over heels for a couple of other guys.  They've just been a major part in getting me to where I am.  And if you happen to be one of them you already know this. I look forward to meeting you and I am trying to be better myself.  Sometimes I feel like giving up, but then I don't.  And don't be too dissappointed if I make the first move.  It's been a year since I've been on a date and I've never been asked.  But I'm not really that bitter. Honestly.  I try to take everything in stride.  And you are out there somewhere.  But you better not be sitting around waitng for me to find you because it ain't happening.  I'm never going to find you if you aren't looking for me.  and i realize that this doesn't work in real life when someone gets lost, one person should stay put.  But this isn't life, this is marriage and we both need to be looking.  Good luck in finding me. ;)
Unit of Energy


cspokey said...

I might need to write one of these someday.
Or maybe I'll just get over myself and start looking again.

Sam, The Nanti-SARRMM said...

If the dude's not looking, then he's not doing his part.

And making the first move is awesome, just so you know.

Verification Word!: Manti!!

Julie said...

Unless he is currently on a mission, in which I case I hope he's not looking.