Friday, February 6, 2009

A Guide to Unit's insults

If I am in hysterics, I don't actually mean anything by any perceived insult.  I'm too high to care.  And yes I do call this a high.  It is self induced without the aid of any chemical or controlled substance, but it is a high none the less.  I have friends who don't let me drink caffeine because I'm crazy enough without it.

If I throw a fork at you it means that I'm an a slightly angered person looking for a mob to gang up with to drive you out.  The force behind the throw indicates how much I actually mean it.  More force = more meaning.
If I drop a knife at your feet it means I like you and am flustered by your presence.
If I throw a knife at you you should be scared.  This is a sign that I seriously don't like you.  Learn the difference between dropping and throwing.
If I tell you stories about slashing boxes violently, I'm testing you, to see if you still trust me enough not to beg for a room/ward/girlfriend/friend change.
As for spoons, I don't really throw spoons around.  I'm not sure what it would mean

If I refer to Jorge or sad cows I'm in a bad mood, not insulting you.  Jorge cheers me up.

I generally don't insult people.  I promise.  If I refuse to speak to you except through a computer I am not trying to insult you.

And if there is some random thing I do that you think might have some secret meaning, it probably does, and I want to hear your thoughts on the matter.

1 comment:

Sam, The Nanti-SARRMM said...

Actually, I wasn't insulted at all except for purposes for my own blog and thought you all were just having fun.
The tone changed when others viewed it as an insult and feelings were hurt.

But I am hurt as to why you haven't told me any box slashing stories yet. You don't feel I am test-able do you?
