Friday, February 20, 2009

Learning to Take

To those of you who know me and have heard my life/wedding/birthday plans, many of which involve ways to get people to give me stuff this post may be a surprise.  While I love people to give me things (who doesn't), I hate having to ask for people to give me things.  Especially important life sustaining things like food.  It is one of the hardest things to realize that you don't have the money to buy a box of sweethearts, my favorite thing about valentines  day.  They were only 30 cents.  That was a very sad day.  So I was surviving on basically an apple a day.  And now I have received food from two different sources.  But you have no idea how hard it is to sit there and have to take advantage of people and their generosity. But I'm getting more hours at work now and will be able to feed myself soon.  But if anyone has an extra VCR I'll take it ;)  Yes I want one, no I don't really expect anyone to give me one and will likely be a tad embarrassed if you get me one.  And I work today and tomorrow so I'm getting fed well today and tomorrow.


Sam, The Nanti-SARRMM said...

I am so bringing pizza over then.

Julie said...

I certainly don't need any more food today.
Not that I won't eat if you bring.