Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stupid things that set me into tears

Well, this morning I was woken up by my mom calling me to let me know that they forgot to send the cake and frosting for my birthday.  And I know it's not a big deal.  It'll cost me about three dollars to buy some for myself.  But I was looking forward to it.  And now I'm upset. And I know that it's dumb to be upset about it.  It's not like she did it on purpose, and it's not like I can't get some myself.  Well, actually I can't.  I only have $17 until the day of my birthday party.  Which means that I'm living off of granola bars, a gallon of milk, corn dogs, ramen noodles, and chicken for the next week and a day.  Although looking at that list, it shouldn't be too bad.  And I'm sure I have oatmeal around here too.  And ingriedients to make things as well.  I can even make cookies with what I have. And I do have a cake in my cupboard.  But I wanted funfetti cake for my birthday.  Not german chocolate.  I was highly upset.

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