Friday, October 17, 2008

Phone Calls

I'm so happy.  Mish called me.  And told me where he's going.  And did call before anybody tried to tell me.  So he's forgiven.  Not that he wouldn't be anyway.  And in case anyone was wondering, he's going to the Phillipines, speaking Tagalog, and reports in February.  I'm not familiar with mission calls, I'm the oldest in my family and Mish is my first friend who I'm really close to to leave.  Is it normal to have a report date so far out?  When Falsetto left it was within two months of recieving his call.  Of course Falsetto is serving stateside.  Which is good for me, I can afford to write him.  I have no clue how much it's going to cost me to write Mish, but I have a while to figure out how to fund his letters.  And in case you are confused, Mish and Missionary Boy are the same person, but Mish is shorter to type.

1 comment:

Sam, The Nanti-SARRMM said...

Cool. I have a few friends who went there. Which mission in the Philippines is he going to?