Monday, June 23, 2008


I don't understand why I have to work. Sure I need food and a place to live and tuition. But isn't there a way to get all that without working? Or stealing, stealing is not a good option either. mostly I'm just bitter that I have to wake up at 5:45 am five days a week. I work at 7 three days, and 8 the other two. But in order to be at my 8 o'clock job on time I still have to leave my apartment at 6:36, and take a bus at 6:43 and another at 7:17. Wow, my cousin is right. I do have too much time on my hands to figure out the exact minute that I need to leave the house. I also know how many minutes it is to walk to campus, walk an infinitely long road to another cousin's house, and how long it takes to walk to my uncle's house. I'm officially insane. Oh well, that's life. At least I enjoy it.

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