Monday, March 16, 2009

Baby showers and the language barrier

So the highlight of my weekend was going to my Aunt's baby shower.  Her son is due in about a month and it was quite fun to spend time with my Aunt, Uncle and cousin.  What was not so fun was the fact that I had to figure out how to play the games by watching every one else play. It was enjoyable any way, but I was the only guest that is not fluent in spanish.  And since my aunt and many of the guests were from Chile this did cause quite a barrier.  I hung out with the ladies for awhile, but I got bored of not understanding anyone, so I decided to hang out with my uncle.  Which ended up turning into him educating me on conspiracy theories.  Like way intense ones that whether they are true or not have lots of dead bodies piling up around them.  And then I came home to find my roommate gone, having left the computer on playing a movie and a half eaten slice of pizza on my other roommate's bed.  Which whether I believe the conspiracy or not is a rather disconcerting thing to come home to have just talked extensively about the mysterious disappearances of many people reportedly involved in cover ups or exposing cover ups or closely connected to those involved.   Don't worry, all is well.  I rather miss my music intensive uncle, he was more fun than this conspiracy minded uncle that seems to have replaced him.  I feel bad for his kids, they will never know how much fun there dad used to be.  oh, he's still way fun to hang out with, but not as much as he used to be.

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