Sunday, September 28, 2008


I'm so glad that I have friends.  And I kind of feel like all of you are friends.   I know that people are reading this, I just wish I knew who.

Tonight I realized that I'm actually pretty good friends with the kids I work with.  I know I'll always have at least one person willing to give me a ride home after work, which is a good thing when it's a half hour walk home.  In the dark.  Although walking home at night is way less creepy  than walking to campus at 6 in the morning.  At night I know that someone is going to be awake to hear me scream if I get attacked.  No one is up at 6 am on a Saturday.  And at my other job I have some fairly good friends as well.  And I can still call Missionary Boy, at least for another month.  And even though I've given up on ever hearing from Falsetto again, I still write him occaisionally. And people love me.  And that's the best thing ever.  Not me loving others, although that is a very good thing too.  People love me.  My brother even told me that he loves me.  Which is a first.  I hardly know him.  And I suppose I should think of something to email back to him and try to start a relationship with him.  Better late than never.

1 comment:

Sam, The Nanti-SARRMM said...

Send me a message if you ever need a ride.