Saturday, August 2, 2008


So tonight was a little strange. There was a stake dance, and they played Numa Numa, and it just made me incredibly homesick. I want Missionary Boy to call me and tell me where he's going. I want to write him as faithfully and much less awkwardly than I write Falsetto (read maybe once a month, in a good month, and with him giving me the address) Mish and I were best friends. I haven't heard from him since I called him on his birthday. And Silver, the third member of my group of highschool friends hasn't really spoken to Mish or myself since she started dating Boyfriend. Granted I had moved by that point, but still I wish she would call sometimes, instead of just asking for a picture from my family when I dye my hair from light golden blonde to midnight black. Yeah, temporary insanity can strike at any time. As can insane fits of homesickness for something that can never exist any more.

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