Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stupid things that set me into tears

Well, this morning I was woken up by my mom calling me to let me know that they forgot to send the cake and frosting for my birthday.  And I know it's not a big deal.  It'll cost me about three dollars to buy some for myself.  But I was looking forward to it.  And now I'm upset. And I know that it's dumb to be upset about it.  It's not like she did it on purpose, and it's not like I can't get some myself.  Well, actually I can't.  I only have $17 until the day of my birthday party.  Which means that I'm living off of granola bars, a gallon of milk, corn dogs, ramen noodles, and chicken for the next week and a day.  Although looking at that list, it shouldn't be too bad.  And I'm sure I have oatmeal around here too.  And ingriedients to make things as well.  I can even make cookies with what I have. And I do have a cake in my cupboard.  But I wanted funfetti cake for my birthday.  Not german chocolate.  I was highly upset.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pet Peeves.

Well, I just thought I'd take this time to tell you all a few things that really get on my nerves.
  • Odd numbers, but not all of them.  I really like the number nine.  And multiples thereof. And three is cool too. And I hate the number 8 any time it appears.  I think that I'm going to live through my seventies twice, just to avoid a whole decade of having the numeral 8 in my age.  Eight, on the other hand, is fine.
  • People who insist that a name will never change in meaning., I'm looking at you.
  • Sisters who call at ten o'clock at night when I have a headache and was asleep.  I should probably call her back though
  • My alarm clock not working properly, or me sleeping through it.  Seriously, I've been know to have emotional breakdowns because my alarm failed to function properly.
  • Political discussions.  I care about politics, but don't enjoy discussing them.  I have my opinions, and try to make informed decisions, but there are very few issues that I can hold my own in.  And as such these discussions serve no purpose other than to stress me out, which is never fun.
  • Losing something, replacing it, then finding the original. Stupid debit card.

Friday, October 24, 2008

What really matters

So in one of my classes this morning we had a discussion about which 5 films we would show at an LDS Film festival held at the SCERA in Orem.  One of the thoughts expressed was that if all that was known about our church in a hundred years were the films shown at this festival, the church produced films would be the most important.  And while I agree that they are the most important films, I don't not think that they are the most important films to be shown at a LDS film festival.  As a LDS girl that grew up in a fairly large LDS population and familiar with the culture enough to find the jokes in Singles Ward funny, these are the types of films that I would want to be shown.  They are the fun films, that aren't going to be too preachy or doctrinal.  And if the church is gone in a hundred years, it won't really matter what we believed.  We were wrong.  So give the people of the future a glimpse of our lives, not our beliefs.  Don't give them something we hold sacred to laugh at, give them something we laugh at to learn from.  And that is all I wanted to say.  And the doctrinal teachings of the church are true, even if your sunday school teacher is preaching false doctrine.  another story for another time.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Heartbeat Away

So this was recently brought to my attention again, and I'm bored so here goes. Just a warning ahead of time, I have a rather eclectic music collection.
  • Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, MP3 Player, or whatever on Shuffle.
  • For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
  • You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!
  • Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
  1. If someone says, “Is this okay?” You say?
    • I'll Be There For You - The Rembrandts
    • Interesting.  Very interesting
  2. How would you describe yourself?
    • When the Stars Go Blue -Tim McGraw
    • Dancing in wooden shoes and a wedding gown, yep sounds like something I'd do
  3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
    • Chiqitita - Abba
    • Some one to cry on my shoulder?  Huh.
  4. How do you feel today?
    • Don't let's start - They Might Be Giants
    • Yes, let's not go there
  5. What is your life’s purpose?
    • Gimme, gimme, gimme (A Man after midnight) - Abba
    • hee hee, I'm definitely looking for a man.  before midnight though.  the spirit goes to bed at midnight.
  6. What is your motto?
    • Sunrise, Sunset - Fiddler on the Roof original Broadway cast recording
    • Yes, it fits.  My life seems to be moving at an alarming rate at the moment.
  7. What do your friends think of you?
    • At The Beginning - Richard Marx and Donna Lewis (from the Anastasia soundtrack)
    • Ah, sweet.  They're always there for me.
  8. What do you think of your parents?
    • The Ballad of John and Yoko - The Beatles
    • They definitely did not have it easy
  9. What do you think about very often?
    • Finale - Anastasia soundtrack
    • Is this because of the recent conversation I had about the best ways to die with my roomies?
  10. What is 2 + 2?
    • Bad Boy - Cascada
    • boy and girl? odd. 
  11. What do you think of your best friend?
    • Learning to Live Again - Garth Brooks
    • Oh wow, totally true. I'm having to learn to deal without my best friends right now. But I am making new friends.
  12. What do you think of the person you like?
    • Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne
    • Ha!
  13. What is your life story?
    • We're The Replacements - They Might Be Giants
    • So I'm the replacement.  For what I wonder?
  14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
    • Jingle, Jangle, Jingle - Kay Kyser
    • "Oh ain't you glad you're single" uh, no
  15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
    • Video Killed the Radio Star - The Buggles
    • "they" took the credit for your accomplishments,  And destroyed it. hmmm.
  16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
    • What is this Feeling? - Wicked soundtrack
    • Loathing, what a great way to start a marriage.
  17. What will they play at your funeral?
    • All You Really Need is Love - Brad Paisley
    • I suppose this might work, if people are in a jovial mood.  And off to a wedding right after.
  18. What is your hobby/interest?
    • All you Need is Love
    • Why the love songs now?  Loathing at my wedding and Love at my funeral and hobbies.
  19. What is your biggest fear?
    • Let us all Press on - Singles Ward version
    • Apparently I'm scared of courage
  20. What is your biggest secret?
    • Where have all the Flowers Gone - Kingston Trio
    • I'll admit I took them, but you'll never find where I hid them.
  21. What do you think of your friends?
    • Beauty and the Beast - Angela Lansbury
    • True as they can be
  22. What will you post this as?
    • A Heartbeat Away - Jenny Jordan
    • exactly

Friday, October 17, 2008

Phone Calls

I'm so happy.  Mish called me.  And told me where he's going.  And did call before anybody tried to tell me.  So he's forgiven.  Not that he wouldn't be anyway.  And in case anyone was wondering, he's going to the Phillipines, speaking Tagalog, and reports in February.  I'm not familiar with mission calls, I'm the oldest in my family and Mish is my first friend who I'm really close to to leave.  Is it normal to have a report date so far out?  When Falsetto left it was within two months of recieving his call.  Of course Falsetto is serving stateside.  Which is good for me, I can afford to write him.  I have no clue how much it's going to cost me to write Mish, but I have a while to figure out how to fund his letters.  And in case you are confused, Mish and Missionary Boy are the same person, but Mish is shorter to type.


Tears fall unbidden, yet not unwanted. They are not tears of joy, nor are they caused by sadness. The tears are cleansing, releasing cares and purging worries. Nothing is escapable, or excusable, yet the tears keep coming. The people are watching, but not taking notice. No one cares to inquire the reason for the tears. The tears are calming, a sense of relief floods over. Yet still no one cares. This can't go on, but nothing can stop the flow of tears. The purging must continue. The tears slowly dry as the sobs continue. The crying seems pointless now, but it was satisfying. Nothing can heal the way tears do. The silly things that bring them on don't matter. The fear of people watching is put away. The life that suffers rejoices. And the lips curl gently in to a smile. For all is well. The journey will continue, lives will be touched, people will care. The sorrows will not last, the hurts will not hurt, the forgotten will be remembered, and happiness will prevail.

More Bad Times

Crap. Why do I have to be a creepy stalker? I was reading a friend's blog, and I found out her little brother, and my best friend you all know as Missionary Boy, got his mission call. He had better call me soon, because otherwise I think I'm going to cry. I really do. This week has done wonders to help get those pent up tears out of my system, first a billion tests, then watching Painted Veil in class, and now finding out through a blog where Mish is going. I just don't think I can deal with anymore. I think I need a hug. Or a good dose of funny. Oh, and I lost my debit card today. The second time since July. So I had to call and cancel it. And yes, I know where it was. It was in my pocket. And everything else that was in my pocket is accounted for. Keys, iPod, bus pass, student ID, two pens, a pencil, my phone and a flash drive all accounted for. But no debit card. On the bright side, I hate writing checks, so it will help limit my spending. Hey, I needed help limiting spending last time it disappeared too. Wonder if that means something? Oh well, must finish reading the play to write a paper on it.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Let's talk about conference!  First off I'd like you all to know that I got full points on my notes of conference.  But my favorite conference talks were given by President Monson.  I especially liked how he quoted from plays and commented on the value of cultural events.  I've been kind of wondering if I should continue as a Theatre major or not and I just felt like I'm doing the right thing for my by staying a Theatre major.This is the talk that really helped confirm this Finding Joy in the Journey.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Police Reports

Well, yesterday I had my first ever police/security report written on me. I was running a little behind for work and had a library book that I was going to check out. Problem was I forgot to check it out. Yeah, I got off the elevator and went straight for the exit. And set of the alarm. And had to go back to the security guard. And had to give him my address and birth date so he could write a report. It was very upsetting.

Friday, October 3, 2008

General Conference

I'm so happy. I have no home work left this weekend, except for taking notes on General Conference. And yes, that is an actual assignment. For credit.  And I will post my thoughts, as suggested by Giovanni.  And all of you who are reading join with me in posting your favorite talk with a link to it and your thoughts. I'm looking forward to it, since in April I worked all day Saturday and slept Sunday.  I was not feeling well.  But this time I'll do better.